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第41 卷 第11 期 ( 月刊)


绞股蓝饮料的研制及其抗氧化性 马泽刚,杨新春,辛超,等 (1)

Preparation of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Beverage and Its Antioxidant Activity

MA Zegang, YANG Xinchun, XIN Chao, et al.

菌核侧耳高产菌丝多糖的固态培养基优化 李赟,王超 (6)

Optimization of Solid Substrate to Produce Fungal Polysaccharides from Pleurotus tuber-regium

(Fr.) Sing LI Yun, WANG Chao

臭氧与二氧化氯对食醋储存罐的灭菌效果比较 丁伟,田莉,闫裕峰,等 (11)

The Comparison on Sterilization Effect of Vinegar Storage Tank by Ozone or Chlorine Dioxide

DING Wei, TIAN Li, YAN Yufeng, et al.

超声波-过氧化氢优化甘草酸提取工艺 高少雄,于波,郑晓宇 (14)

Ultrasonic-Hydrogen Peroxide Optimized Glycyrrhizic Acid Extraction Process

GAO Shaoxiong, YU Bo, ZHENG Xiaoyu

玉米肽红豆薏米复合谷物饮料的研制 马雪,郭丽,李杨,等 (19)

The Compound Cereal Beverage of Corn Peptide, Red Bean and Coix Seed

MA Xue, GUO Li, LI Yang, et al.

U-M-I协同强化花生蛋白质溶解工艺及表面活性 程海涛,申献双 (24)

U-M-I Synergistic Enhancement of Peanut Protein Dissolution Process and Surface Activity

CHENG Haitao, SHEN Xianshuang

以蛋白酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性评价淡豆豉发酵工艺 王萍,陈丽艳,孙银玲,等 (29)

The Evaluation of the Fermentation Process of Sojae Semen Praeparatum Based on the Activity

of Protease or β-Glucosidase WANG Ping, CHEN Liyan, SUN Yinling, et al.

响应面法优化山药脆片干燥工艺 王梅,雷尊国,邓禄军,等 (33)

Optimization of Drying Technology of Yam Chips by Response Surface Methodology

WANG Mei, LEI Zunguo, DENG Lujun, et al.

预处理提高核桃肽得率及核桃肽乳饮料制备 逯晓丹,齐建勋,李俊,等 (38)

Pretreatment for Improving Yield of Walnut Peptide and Preparation of Walnut Peptide Milk

Beverage LU Xiaodan, QI Jianxun, LI Jun, et al.

响应面法优化山楂多糖的闪式提取工艺 李丽,袁建琴,唐中伟,等 (42)

Optimization of Extraction Process of Hawthorn Polysaccharide by the Method of Flash

Extraction and Response Surface LI Li, YUAN Jianqin, TANG Zhongwei, et al.

基于膜分离的阿拉伯低聚半乳糖的制备 施锴云,杨波,李琴,等 (46)

Preparation of Arabian Oligosaccharide Based on Membrane Separation

SHI Kaiyun, YANG Bo, LI Qin, et al.

藜麦啤酒的酿造方法及香气化合物 杨贵恒,聂聪,姚青海,等 (51)

Brewing Method and Aroma Compounds of Quinoa Beer

YANG Guiheng, NIE Cong, YAO Qinghai, et al.

辣木叶提取物对黄嘌呤氧化酶活性的抑制 钟英英,周佳明,叶美凤,等 (55)

Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaves Extracts on Lipase Activity

ZHONG Yingying, ZHOU Jiaming, YE Meifeng, et al.

响应面法优化超临界CO2萃取怀山药油提取工艺 段丽萍,孙炜炜,陈浩,等 (58)

Optimization of Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Dioscorea opposite Oil by Response Surface

Methodology DUAN Liping, SUN Weiwei, CHEN Hao, et al.

磷酸法荔枝核基活性炭的制备及其吸附性能 陈秋娟,谢微,莫福旺,等 (62)

Preparation and Adsorption Properties of Lychee Kernel Activated Carbon by Phosphoric Acid

Method CHEN Qiujuan, XIE Wei, MO Fuwang, et al.

黑芝麻碎米谷物乳乳化稳定剂的筛选及配比优化 郝娟,吴婕,李升锋,等 (65)

Selection and Proportioning Optimization of Emulsion Stabilizer for Black Sesame and Rice

Cereal Milk HAO Juan, WU Jie, LI Shengfeng, et al.

信阳大别山区云芝多糖的纯化工艺及其抗氧化活性 叶润,陈颐辉,蔡静,等 (70)

Purification and Antioxidant Activity of Polysaccharide from Coriolus versicolor in Dabie

Mountain of Xinyang City YE Run, CHEN Yihui, CAI Jing, et al.

山药桑黄酒精饮料的发酵工艺 吕芳,孙浩,叶淑红 (74)

Fermentation Technology of the Alcoholic Beverage of Chinese Yam and Phellinus igniarius

LÜ Fang, SUN Hao, YE Shuhong

黑色酸性含乳饮料的配方与稳定性 邵虎,王宇彤,高一航,等 (78)

Formula and Stability of Black and Acidic Milk Beverage

SHAO Hu, WANG Yutong, GAO Yihang, et al.

辣木籽营养成分测定及多糖提取工艺 余芳,杨爱萍,石雪萍,等 (82)

The Determination of Nutritional Components and Polysaccharide Extraction Technology of

Moringa Seeds YU Fang, YANG Aiping, SHI Xueping, et al.

挤压处理对小麦麸皮与胚芽复配粉的稳定化 黄雅琪,庄坤,沈汪洋,等 (86)

The Stabilization of Wheat Bran and Germ Powder by Extrusion

HUANG Yaqi, ZHUANG Kun, SHEN Wangyang, et al.

大孔吸附树脂纯化羟基积雪草苷的工艺 雷芳,罗祥敏,陈伟,等 (90)

Purification of Hydroxysaponin by Macroporous Resin

LEI Fang, LUO Xiangmin, CHEN Wei, et al.

鸡油菌多糖对马铃薯面包面团生化特征的影响 王雪波 (94)

Effects of Chanterelle Polysaccharide on Biochemical Characteristics of Potato Bread Dough

WANG Xuebo

西藏黑木耳营养粉的研制 薛蓓,张家晨,刘怡,等 (98)

The Nutrient Powder from Auricularia auricula in Tibet

XUE Bei, ZHANG Jiachen, LIU Yi, et al.

新型焦糖味爆米花配方的研制 王思佳,张赟彬,魏蒙月 (102)

Development of a New Caramel Flavored Popcorn Formula

WANG Sijia, ZHANG Yunbin, WEI Mengyue

黑蒜口服液制备工艺 魏丽娜,刘娟,罗仓学,等 (106)

Preparation Technology of Black Garlic Oral Solution

WEI Lina, LIU Juan, LUO Cangxue, et al.

黑枸杞花青素软胶囊制备的工艺 邓瑜,郭璟瑜,唐異淞,等 (110)

Preparation of Soft Capsule of Anthocyanin from Lycium ruthenicum

DENG Yu, GUO Jingyu, TANG Yisong, et al.

藏地甘草不同溶剂提取物甜味成分分析及应用 罗海涛,何力,任周营,等 (115)

Sweet Ingredients Analysis and Application of the Different Solvent Extracts of Tibetan

Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch LUO Haitao, HE Li, REN Zhouying, et al.

南极磷虾肽的脱氟工艺和体外抗氧化作用 方磊,王雨辰,张海欣,等 (119)

Defluorination of Antarctic Krill Peptide and Antioxidant Effect in Vitro

FANG Lei, WANG Yuchen, ZHANG Haixin, et al.

MeJA和乙烯利对鲜切山药伤害防御的响应 闫艳华 (124)

Stress Defense Response to Methyl Jasmonate (MeJA) and Ethephon for Cold Storage Fresh-cut

Chinese Yam YAN Yanhua

葡萄籽多肽的制备及其抗氧化活性 尹佳,胡金德,王丽华,等 (127)

Preparation of Grape Seed Peptide and Its Antioxidant Activity

YIN Jia, HU Jinde, WANG Lihua, et al.

西洋参超微粉制备工艺及药效评价 赵文英,郝豪奇,肖薇,等 (131)

Preparation and Evaluation of Ultrafine Powder of Panax quinquefolium L.

ZHAO Wenying, HAO Haoqi, XIAO Wei, et al.

天麻茶酒发酵工艺优化 李刚凤,传均强,舒丹旭,等 (136)

Optimization of Gastrodia elata Tea Wine Fermentation Process

LI Gangfeng, CHUAN Junqiang, SHU Danxu, et al.

超声波辅助提取白芸豆皂苷的工艺 石瑞,王朝转,宿婧,等 (141)

Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction of Kidney Bean Saponins in the Process Research

SHI Rui, WANG Chaozhuan, SU Jing, et al.

食用动植物油脂中苯并(a)芘含量的快速测定 刘孝英,王毅 (144)

Fast Determination of Benzo (a) Pyrene in Edible Animal and Vegetable Oils

LIU Xiaoying, WANG Yi


不同泌乳期驴乳成分分析 牛希跃,程晓通,于静,等 (148)

Analysis of Donkey Milk Composition during Different Lactation Periods

NIU Xiyue, CHENG Xiaotong, YU Jing, et al.

鸡精调味料中呈味肽替代部分I+G的应用探索 张佳汇,王芳,张勇军 (153)

The Effect of Partial Substitution of Soybean Flavor Peptide for Flavor Nucleotide Disodium in

Chicken Essence Seasoning ZHANG Jiahui, WANG Fang, ZHANG Yongjun

3种精油与壳聚糖复合涂膜对贡柑保鲜效果 孙婕,尹国友,王博文,等 (157)

The Effect of Three Essential Oils and Chitosan on the Preservation of Tribute Tangerine

SUN Jie, YIN Guoyou, WANG Bowen, et al.

3种不同甘蔗品种蔗蜡中多廿烷醇分离及其成分 黄清铧,黄俊生,黄冬婷,等 (161)

Separation and Composition of Policosanol in Cane Wax of 3 Sugarcane Varieties from

Guangdong HUANG Qinghua, HUANG Junsheng, HUANG Dongting, et al.

TEMPO氧化纤维素对花生油乳液物理化学稳定性的影响 沈阳,王星宇,陈紫婷,等 (165)

Effect of TEMPO Oxidized Cellulose on the Physical and Chemical Stability of Peanut Oil

Emulsion SHEN Yang, WANG Xingyu, CHEN Ziting, et al.

不同品种枣粉的化学成分和电子舌分析 张玲,丁卫英,韩基明,等 (169)

Taste and Chemical Properties Analysis of Different Kinds of Jujube Powder

ZHANG Ling, DING Weiying, HAN Jiming, et al.

地胆草提取物清除亚硝酸盐的作用 范琼,赵敏,王晓刚,等 (173)

Evaluation of Elephantopus scaber Extraction on Nitrite Scavenging Activity

FAN Qiong, ZHAO Min, WANG Xiaogang, et al.

杏鲍菇多糖对乳酸菌发酵及酸奶品质的影响 郝静,杨晨芝,丁霄,等 (177)

Effect of Polysaccharides from Pleurotus eryngii on Fermentation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and

Quality of Yogurt HAO Jing, YANG Chenzhi, DING Xiao, et al.

Ba2+对南美白对虾酚氧化酶活性和结构的影响 佟抒洋,张书琪,郭雨晴,等 (181)

Effects of Barium Ions on the Activity and Structure of Phenoloxidase

TONG Shuyang, ZHANG Shuqi, GUO Yuqing, et al.

不同澄清方法对柿子酒澄清效果及理化成分的影响 潘俊,吉姆·哈迪,张爱华,等 (185)

Effects of Different Clarification Methods on Clarification Effect and Physicochemical

Components of Persimmon Wine PAN Jun, HARDIE Jim, ZHANG Aihua, et al.

不同酵母发酵的青梅酒抗氧化及有机酸的研究 陈铭中,吴海珍,刘志芳,等 (190)

Study on Antioxidant and Organic Acids of Plum Wine Fermented by Different Yeast

CHEN Mingzhong, WU Haizhen, LIU Zhifang, et al.

不同干燥方式对山药品质的影响 陈红惠,张鲁梅 (195)

Effects of Different Drying Methods on Quality of Chinese Yam

CHEN Honghui, ZHANG Lumei

麻城老米酒中有机酸物质的初探 王奕芳,陈茂彬,张玉,等 (199)

Preliminary Study on Organic Acids in Macheng Old Rice Wine

WANG Yifang, CHEN Maobin, ZHANG Yu, et al.

3种不同纳豆主要活性成分货架期内变化 苗欣宇,李达,郑丽,等 (203)

Changes in the Active Contents of Three Different Kinds of Natto during Shelf Life

MIAO Xinyu, LI Da, ZHENG Li, et al.

光和温度对采后油茶果油脂转化的影响 吴建文,黄湘颖,黎贵卿,等 (208)

Effect of Light and Temperature on the Oil Conversion of Post-harvest Camellia oleifera

WU Jianwen, HUANG Xiangying, LI Guiqing, et al.

L-谷氨酸对苹果果实抗氧化能力的影响 杨佳丽,荆志怀,张星,等 (213)

Effect of L-glutamate on Antioxidant Capacity of Apple Fruit

YANG Jiali, JING Zhihuai, ZHANG Xing, et al.

不同品种稻米中硒、锌、铁含量比较及其膳食摄入量评估 韦燕燕,王松,顾明华,等 (217)

Genotypic Variations in Concentrations of Selenium, Iron and Zinc in Rice Grain and Its Dietary

Exposure Assessment WEI Yanyan, WANG Song, GU Minghua, et al.

苞米调质器中的运动模拟及特性影响 秦国防,秦明辉,王瑨 (221)

The Motion Simulation and Characteristics in the Corn Conditioner

QIN Guofang, QIN Minghui, WANG Jin

市售高盐稀态酱油中氨基甲酸乙酯含量的调查分析 王军喜,何一龙,刘晓艳,等 (226)

Investigation and Analysis on the Content of Ethyl Carbamate in Soy Sauce

WANG Junxi, HE Yilong, LIU Xiaoyan, et al.


饮料食品定量灌装智能控制系统设计 张柯,张琦 (229)

Design of Intelligent Control System for Quantitative Filling of Beverage and Food


基于Solidworks巧克力包装机结构设计 袁飞 (232)

Based on Solidworks Chocolate Packaging Machine Structure Design YUAN Fei

基于Arduino的力反馈型灵巧手系统设计 张英坤,郝存明,张效玮,等 (237)

System Designed for the Dexterous Hand with Force Feedback Based on Arduino

ZHANG Yingkun, HAO Cunming, ZHANG Xiaowei, et al.

基于LED红蓝组合光源的蔬菜贮藏保鲜系统 麦强 (241)

Vegetable Storage and Fresh-keeping System with Red and Blue LED Light MAI Qiang


Kolb学习风格模式在《食品工程原理》教学中的应用 徐洪宇,张京京 (244)

Application of Kolb’s Learning Style Mode in the Teaching of Principles of Food Engineering

XU Hongyu, ZHANG Jingjing

重大活动食品安全警务情报分析研判系统构建 李书钦,史运涛 (247)

Construction of Food Safety Police Intelligence Analysis and Judgement System for Important

Activity LI Shuqin, SHI Yuntao

绿色塑料的制备及其在包装领域的应用 欧亚梅 (250)

Preparation of Green Plastics and Its Application in Packaging OU Yamei

食品生产企业质量信用评价体系设计 刘金梅 (253)

Design and Research on Quality Credit Evaluation System of Food Production Enterprises

LIU Jinmei

单片机在食品安全检测中的应用进展 陈竹秋,丁小梅,王力 (257)

The Application Progress of Single Chip Microcomputer in Food Safety Testing

CHEN Zhuqiu, DING Xiaomei, WANG Li

建设地域特色精品在线开放课程的探索与实践 薛山,江文辉,李变花 (261)

Exploration and Practice of the Construction of Regional Characteristics Boutique Open Online

Courses XUE Shan, JIANG Wenhui, LI Bianhua

苹果醋饮料中的苹果醋发酵条件及制作工艺研究现状 张雁凌,张雁南,刘刚 (264)

Research Status of Apple Cider Vinegar Fermentation Conditions and Technology in Apple

Cider Vinegar Beverage ZHANG Yanling, ZHANG Yannan, LIU Gang

经济发展视角下食品安全监管模式优化策略 雷俐丽 (268)

Research on Optimization Strategy of Food Safety Supervision Mode from the Perspective of

Economic Development LEI Lili

挤压膨化技术在麦麸加工中应用及研究进展 李合,蔡红燕,沈汪洋,等 (271)

Application and Research Progress of Extruding Technology in Wheat Bran Processing

LI He, CAI Hongyan, SHEN Wangyang, et al.

网络餐饮服务食品安全问题及监管建议 师景双,袁超,杨振东,等 (275)

Food Safety Issues and Regulatory Recommendations for Online Catering Services

SHI Jingshuang, YUAN Chao, YANG Zhendong, et al.

油茶皂素定量分析方法研究进展 王羚,方学智 (278)

Research Progress in Quantitative Analysis of Tea Saponin WANG Ling, FANG Xuezhi

柑橘纤维研究进展 孙哲浩,李巧玲,吕广,等 (282)

Research Progress on Citrus Fiber SUN Zhehao, LI Qiaoling, LÜ Guang, et al.

河南省面制品中含铝添加剂使用情况调查 尹红娜,李娜,王春杰,等 (287)

Investigation on the Use of Additives Containing Aluminum in Flour Products in Henan

Province YIN Hongna, LI Na, WANG Chunjie, et al.

食品专业英语“应用型”人才培养教学体系的创新 廖婧,毛梅娜 (289)

The Innovation of the Teaching System of “Applied” Talent Training in Food Specialty English

LIAO Jing, MAO Meina


基于碳纳米金复合材料电化学检测BHA 叶耘峰 (293)

Electrochemical Detection of BHA Based on Carbon Nano Gold Composite YE Yunfeng

液质联用法测定坚果类的苯丁锡 万承波,林黛琴,王婷婷,等 (297)

Determination of Fenbutatin Oxide in Nut by LC-MS/MS

WAN Chengbo, LIN Daiqin, WANG Tingting, et al.

拟除虫菊酯类农药多残留酶联免疫方法的建立 赵妍,余从田,魏新林 (300)

Development of an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Multiple Detection of Pyrethroids

ZHAO Yan, YU Congtian, WEI Xinlin

不同贮藏方式对5种水果中维生素C和总糖含量的影响 王延华,范荣波,周霞,等 (305)

Effects of Different Storage Methods on the Contents of Vitamin C and Total Sugar in Five

Kinds of Fruits WANG Yanhua, FAN Rongbo, ZHOU Xia, et al.

MHS固相萃取-火焰原子吸收法测定食品及水中铅 (II) 吕琳琳,兰金铃,刁全平,等 (308)

A MHS Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for the Determination of Pb (II) in Food and Water

Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

LÜ Linlin, LAN Jinling, DIAO Quanping, et al.

不同生长期蕲艾挥发性成分的对比分析 庾韦花,石前,张向军,等 (312)

Comparative Analysis on Volatile Constituents in Artemisa argyi from Qichun of Different

Growth Period YU Weihua, SHI Qian, ZHANG Xiangjun, et al.

QuEChERS-UPLC-MS/MS法测定火龙果中14种农药残留 尚远宏,田金凤 (315)

Determination of 14 Kinds of Pesticide Residues in Pitaya by QuEChERS with UPLC-MS/MS

SHANG Yuanhong, TIAN Jinfeng

透明质酸发酵液中还原糖含量的快速估测方法 宋磊,刘苗苗,郭燕风,等 (319)

Method of Rapid Estimation of Reducing Sugar in Hyaluronic Acid Fermentation Broth

SONG Lei, LIU Miaomiao, GUO Yanfeng, et al.

高光谱成像技术对不同成熟期葡萄香气成分的无损检测 靳雪梅,刘丽华,刘玉娇,等 (324)

Nondestructive Detection of Aroma Components in Grapes at Different Ripening Stages by

Hyperspectral Imaging Technology JIN Xuemei, LIU Lihua, LIU Yujiao, et al.

柱前衍生化-HPLC-MS/MS法测定启脾丸中掺假蜂蜜 朱韬,何颂华,吕轶峰,等 (328)

Determination of Syrup Adulterated Honey in Qipiwan by Precolumn Derivatization-HPLCMS/

MS ZHU Tao, HE Songhua, LÜ Yifeng, et al.


中国市售大米重金属含量及健康风险评估 覃焱,韦燕燕,顾明华 (332)

The Heavy Metal Content Monitoring and Dietary Risk Assessment of Commercial Rice in

China QIN Yan, WEI Yanyan, GU Minghua

4种甘薯的营养成分分析 汤丽琴,徐玉娟,唐道邦,等 (336)

Analysis of the Nutritional Content of Four Sweet Potatoes

TANG Liqin, XU Yujuan, TANG Daobang, et al.

广西红糟酸的营养与安全性评价 白芸,蓝伟杰,林莹 (340)

Nutrition and Safety Evaluation of Guangxi Red Vinasse Acid BAI Yun, LAN Weijie, LIN Ying

特殊医学全营养配方食品货架期内品性评价 孙婉婷,汪玉芬,王赛,等 (344)

Evaluation of Quality Properties during Shelf Life of Special Medical Whole Nutrition

Formulations SUN Wanting, WANG Yufen, WANG Sai, et al.

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