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目 次 

第43 卷 第1 期 ( 月刊)



张存存,张娟,谭志超,柳嘉,王永霞 (1)

Process Optimization for the Flash Extraction and Component Identification of Total Flavonoids

from Seabuckthorn Leaves

ZHANG Cuncun, ZHANG Juan, TAN Zhichao, LIU Jia, WANG Yongxia

鹰嘴豆粉滚筒干燥工艺条件的优化 唐晓娜,王墨阳,尹红力 (6)

Optimization on Roller Drying Process on Chickpea Flour

TANG Xiaona, WANG Moyang, YIN Hongli

芦荟泡腾片的制备 王艳,万庆家,廖海慧,钱绍祥,何林燕 (9)

Preparation of Aloe vera Effervescent Tablets

WANG Yan, WAN Qingjia, LIAO Haihui, QIAN Shaoxiang, HE Linyan

浅谈高阻隔镀铝包装袋对鸡精调味料的影响 徐红梅 (13)

Effect of Different Packaging Materials on Chicken Essence XU Hongmei


邵家威,汪慧慧,李庆腾,张桂香,张炳文,王明辉 (16)

Process Optimization of Preparation of Protein Peptides from Sesame Meal by Alkaline Protease

SHAO Jiawei, WANG Huihui, LI Qingteng, ZHANG Guixiang, ZHANG Bingwen, WANG Minghui


展宗冰,宋娟,康三江,张海燕,张芳 (21)

Effects of Drying Treatments on Antioxidant Properties and Microstructure of Cherry Tomato

ZHAN Zongbing, SONG Juan, KANG Sanjiang, ZHANG Haiyan, ZHANG Fang

香辣木棉花花蕊的开发 李怡璇,贾洪锋,杨洪浪 (25)

The Development of Spicy Kapok Stamens LI Yixuan, JIA Hongfeng, YANG Honglang

甘南牦牛乳酥油茶加工技术 罗丽,崔广智,苏德亮,李亚萍,宋礼,格代 (29)

Processing Technology of Gannan Yak Butter Tea

LUO Li, CUI Guangzhi, SU Deliang, LI Yaping, SONG Li, GE Dai

胶原蛋白酵素饮品配方的工艺 王帅,王婷婷,范影,胡超 (34)

Formula Research of Collagen and Fruit Enzyme Beverage

WANG Shuai, WANG Tingting, FAN Ying, HU Chao

响应面优化紫苏饼粕蛋白提取工艺 张品,朱文秀,余顺波,陈大伦,李风华,郭晋红 (38)

Response Surface Optimization of Protein Extraction from Perilla Meal

ZHANG Pin, ZHU Wenxiu, YU Shunbo, CHEN Dalun, LI Fenghua, GUO Jinhong

超声辅助碱溶酸沉法提取鸡腿菇蛋白质工艺优化 李惟栋,王永霞,孙敏,王娜,韩春超 (43)

Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Alkali-Solution-Acid Sedimentation Method for Extraction

of Proteins from Coprinus coprinatus

LI Weidong, WANG Yongxia, SUN Min, WANG Na, HAN Chunchao

复凝聚法制备紫苏油微胶囊 陈巍元,姜宏宇,张华 (48)

Preparation of Perilla Oil Microcapsule by Complex Coacervation

CHEN Weiyuan, JIANG Hongyu, ZHANG Hua

复配蛋白凝胶性质及对乳化肠品质的影响 阳新莲,张佳敏,朱雨茜,毛孟欣,刘一薇,任毅 (53)

The Properties of Prefabricated Composite Protein Gel and Its Effect on the Quality

Characteristics of Emulsified Sausage

YANG Xinlian, ZHANG Jiamin, ZHU Yuxi, MAO Mengxin, LIU Yiwei, REN Yi

凌云白毫总酚提取工艺优化及抗氧化活性 冼丽清,李珊,冯彬,梁俭,刘晓凤 (57)

Optimization on the Extraction of Polyphenols in Lingyun Pekoe Tea and Its Antioxidant

Activity XIAN Liqing, LI Shan, FENG Bin, LIANG Jian, LIU Xiaofeng


李恬心,聂沫宇,吴菲,刘智禹,吴鹏,胡婷 (61)

Microwave Assisted Extraction of Starch from Foshou Yam by Response Surface

LI Tianxin, NIE Moyu, WU Fei, LIU Zhiyu, WU Peng, HU Ting

仙草润喉糖的制备工艺及体外抗氧化活性 王忠合,刘谋泉,王军,郭维盛,谢丹 (66)

Optimization of Preparation Technology and Activity of Mesona chinensis Lozenge

WANG Zhonghe, LIU Mouquan, WANG Jun, GUO Weisheng, XIE Dan

龙滩珍珠李冻干果片加工工艺 黄展文,李明娟,游向荣,张雅媛,王颖,周葵 (70)

Processing Technology of the ‘Longtan’ Pearl Plum Freeze-Dried Piece

HUANG Zhanwen, LI Mingjuan, YOU Xiangrong, ZHANG Yayuan, WANG Ying, ZHOU Kui

胶原-弹性蛋白多肽复合海绵的制备及表征 齐一潇,罗思施,雷静,李奕恒,张俊杰,段蕊 (75)

Preparation and Characterization of Collagen-Elastin Peptide Composite Sponge

QI Yixiao, LUO Sishi, LEI Jing, LI Yiheng, ZHANG Junjie, DUAN Rui

鸡皮果汁酶法澄清及稳定性工艺 苏秀芳,唐琴琴 (80)

Enzymatic Clarification and Stability of Clausena Anisum-olens Juice

SU Xiufang, TANG Qinqin

黑米发酵乳酪工艺及其成品分析 韦剑思,韦剑欢,蒲海燕,李梅,陈秀霞,曹靖 (84)

Technology of Black Rice Fermented Cheese and Analysis of Its Finished Products

WEI Jiansi, WEI Jianhuan, PU Haiyan, LI Mei, CHEN Xiuxia, CAO Jing

核桃油营养胡萝卜汁的开发 孟凡德,戴姝琰,李欢康,魏长庆,刘文玉 (90)

Development of Walnut Oil Nutrition Carrot Juice

MENG Fande, DAI Shuyan, LI Huankang, WEI Changqing, LIU Wenyu

正交法优化大孔树脂提纯菝葜中绿原酸的工艺 戴富才,赵娣,李红美,苏月月,景学敏,张晓轩 (95)

Purification Process of Chlorogenic Acid from Smilax china by Macroporous Resin by

Orthogonal Design

DAI Fucai, ZHAO Di, LI Hongmei, SU Yueyue, JING Xuemin, ZHANG Xiaoxuan

响应面优化水酶法提取酸浆籽油及抗氧化研究 温蓓桐,张福娟,张艳书,段腊梅,王妍惠,吕长鑫 (100)

Optimization of Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Physalis Seed Oil by Response Surface

Methodology and Its Antioxidant Activity

WEN Beitong, ZHANG Fujuan, ZHANG Yanshu, DUAN Lamei, WANG Yanhui, LÜ Changxin

根蒂保鲜薄膜技术在南瓜储藏保鲜中的应用 秦宇,王子菱,顾文佳,吴金鸿,葛宇,廖健利 (105)

Application of Root Preservation Film Technology in Pumpkin Storage

QIN Yu, WANG Ziling, GU Wenjia, WU Jinhong, GE Yu, LIAO Jianli

响应面法优化酸奶粉的发酵工艺 王丹,邵景海,李凯锋,王慧敏 (109)

Response Surface Methodology to Optimize the Fermentation Process of Yogurt Powder

WANG Dan, SHAO Jinghai, LI Kaifeng, WANG Huimin

羊肚菌液体培养基及多糖提取工艺的优化 许俊齐,谢春芹,曹婷,凡军民,宋金俤 (112)

Optimization of Morchella Liquid Medium and Polysaccharide Extraction Technology

XU Junqi, XIE Chunqin, CAO Ting, FAN Junmin, SONG Jindi

红树莓山楂复合乳酸菌发酵饮料的工艺 尹蓉,张倩茹,茹建生,王贤萍,梁志宏 (117)

Process on Red Raspberry and Hawthorn Compounded Lactobacillus Fermented Beverage

YIN Rong, ZHANG Qianru, RU Jiansheng, WANG Xianping, LIANG Zhihong

基于桑葚花青素的虾鲜度指示膜的制备及应用 田鑫,郭筱兵,孙凤霞,毛晓英,张连富,张建 (121)

Preparation and Application of Shrimp Freshness Indicator Film Based on Mulberry Anthocyanin

TIAN Xin, GUO Xiaobing, SUN Fengxia, MAO Xiaoying, ZHANG Lianfu, ZHANG Jian

荸荠预处理条件优化 孟秀梅,赵文超,张兰,伍梦瑶,佘昊 (126)

Optimization of Pretreatment Conditions of Water Chestnut

MENG Xiumei, ZHAO Wenchao, ZHANG Lan, WU Mengyao, SHE Hao

响应面法优化肉苁蓉咀嚼片配方及品质检测 赵宇慧,张丽,宋玉霞,甘晓燕,聂峰杰,巩檑 (130)

Optimization of Preparation Technology and Quality Test of Cistanche deserticola Chewable

Tablets by Response Surface Methodology

ZHAO Yuhui, ZHANG Li, SONG Yuxia, GAN Xiaoyan, NIE Fengjie, GONG Lei

利用细胞壁降解酶混合物增强亚麻籽油的提取 李国斌 (135)

Enhancing the Extraction of Linseed Oil by Cell Wall Degrading Enzyme Mixture LI Guobin

柚皮精油食品包装材料的制备及性能 张永杰,潘明,张薇 (139)

Antibacterial Activity of Pomelo peel Essential oil and Preparation and Properties of Its

Composite Film ZHANG Yongjie, PAN Ming, ZHANG Wei

响应面优化辣木核桃蛋白能量棒配方 刘俐彤,钟俊麟,赵存朝,顾凡,陶亮,田洋 (144)

Response Surface Optimization of Moringa Walnut Protein Energy Bar Formula

LIU Litong, ZHONG Junling, ZHAO Cunchao, GU Fan, TAO Liang, TIAN Yang

响应面法优化霍山石斛多糖超微低温萃取工艺 王升贵,马荣锋 (148)

Optimization of Ultramicro and Low Temperature Assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from

Dendrobium huoshanense by Response Surface Method WANG Shenggui, MA Rongfeng

木枣发酵专用营养剂的研制 韩基明,杨春,杜亚军,张玲 (152)

Research on the Nutritional Agents for Mu Jujube Fermentation

HAN Jiming, YANG Chun, DU Yajun, ZHANG Ling

四维辅助三维响应面法优化菠萝蜜种泥果冻配方 薛山,黄艺萍 (156)

Optimization of Jelly Formulation of Jackfruit Seed Puree by Four-Dimensional Assisted Three-

Dimensional Response Surface Method XUE Shan, HUANG Yiping


关黄柏叶不同炮制品的总黄酮含量测定及抗氧化活性 魏颖,包海鹰,刘颖,和生 (161)

Content Determination of Total Flavonoids, Total Alkaloids and Antioxidant Activity in

Different Processed Products of Phellodendron amurense Rupr. Leaves

WEI Ying, BAO Haiying, LIU Ying, HE Sheng

蓝莓营养指标与矿质元素关联度分析和主成分分析 孔悦,周江伟,刘超,韩燕苓,孙锐,程安玮 (166)

Analysis of Nutritional Components of Different Varieties of Blueberry

KONG Yue, ZHOU Jiangwei, LIU Chao, HAN Yanling, SUN Rui, CHENG Anwei

干腌牛肉加工过程中理化变化与品质形成的相关性研究 黄桂芳,陈静雅,陈馨雨,靳嘉欣,曾晨璐,王庆玲 (171)

Study on the Correlation Between Physicochemical Changes and Quality Formation of Dry-cured

Beef during Processing

HUANG Guifang, CHEN Jingya, CHEN Xinyu, JIN Jiaxin, ZENG Chenlu, WANG Qingling

乙烯缓释剂催熟对徐香猕猴桃品质的影响 周梦琪,陈昌琳,孟嘉珺,刘怡君,邓莎,吕远平 (176)

The Influence of Ethylene Sustained-Release Preparation on the Quality of Xuxiang Kiwifruit

ZHOU Mengqi, CHEN Changlin, MENG Jiajun, LIU Yijun, DENG Sha, LÜ Yuanping

3种糖苷的热稳定性及热裂解研究 雷声,刘亚,刘娟,王凯,李智宇,何靓 (181)

Study on Thermal Stability and Pyrolysis of Three Glycosides

LEI Sheng, LIU Ya, LIU Juan, WANG Kai, LI Zhiyu, HE Liang

4个产地金柑抗氧化及抑制亚硝化活性研究 魏爱红,张超,谭思云,郭蓥,林展雯,张声源 (186)

Antioxidant and Inhibitory Effect on Nitrosation of Kumquat from Four Regions

WEI Aihong, ZHANG Chao, TAN Siyun, GUO Ying, LIN Zhanwen, ZHANG Shengyuan

铁皮石斛中SOD提取纯化及其在发酵食品中应用 谢余岚,张婷,姜梦奇,罗静静,张珍林 (191)

Extraction and Purification of Superoxide Dismutase from Dendrobium officinale and Its

Application in Fermented Food

XIE Yulan, ZHANG Ting, JIANG Mengqi, LUO Jingjing, ZHANG Zhenlin

氯化胆碱类低共熔溶剂处理对玉米芯的影响 杨宇辰,鄢贵龙,杨依晶,姚佳怡,王志倩 (194)

Deep Eutectic Solvent Pretreatment and Subsequent Saccharification of Corncob

YANG Yuchen, YAN Guilong, YANG Yijing, YAO Jiayi, WANG Zhiqian

发酵紫苏粉对蛋糕储藏稳定性的影响 田海娟,谢黎明,李小艳,陈亦婷,张艳,张传智 (199)

Effect of Fermented Perilla Powder on Storage Stability of Cake

TIAN Haijuan, XIE Liming, LI Xiaoyan, CHEN Yiting, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Chuanzhi

物流过程温度波动对猕猴桃贮藏品质的影响 李文生,钱建平,王云香,周家华,常虹,王宝刚 (203)

Effect of Temperature Fluctuation on Kiwifruit Storage Quality in Logistics Process

LI Wensheng, QIAN Jianping, WANG Yunxiang, ZHOU Jiahua, CHANG Hong, WANG Baogang

立地对油茶籽油抗氧化及紫外吸收能力的影响 何钰怡,敬思群,孔嘉欣,朱鸿明,张文军,张玉龙 (206)

Effects of Site on Antioxidant Activity and Ultraviolet Absorption Properties of Camellia Seed

Oil HE Yuyi, JING Siqun, KONG Jiaxin, ZHU Hongming, ZHANG Wenjun, ZHANG Yulong

烘焙速度对咖啡理化性质及风味物质的影响 宋璐琦,石芸琪,陈茂深 (210)

Influence of Roasting Speed on Physicochemical Properties and Flavor Compounds of Coffee

SONG Luqi, SHI Yunqi, CHEN Maoshen

蛋白酶酶解核桃饼粕的抗氧化活性 刘猛,王艳,史丹宇,章检明 (215)

Antioxidant Activity of Walnut Cake Hydrolyzed by Protease

LIU Meng, WANG Yan, SHI Danyu, ZHANG Jianming

贵州不同品种花椒麻味物质的测试分析 程玉波,魏浩华,曾钦朦,罗红,王港 (219)

Test and Analysis of Hemp Substance from Different Varieties of Zanthoxylum schinifolium in

Guizhou CHENG Yubo, WEI Haohua, ZENG Qinmeng, LUO Hong, WANG Gang

直投式商业酸乳发酵剂发酵特性评价 夏文洋,徐显睿,李翠凤,张宗博,张衡,陈政言 (223)

Performance Evaluation on Fermentation Property of DVS Commercial Yoghurt Starter Culture

XIA Wenyang, XU Xianrui, LI Cuifeng, ZHANG Zongbo, ZHANG Heng, CHEN Zhengyan

复合稳定剂对牦牛酸奶后熟过程中风味的影响 张莉,陈炼红,张岩,蒋骞 (228)

Effect of a New Type of Compound Stabilizer on the Flavor Components of Coagulated Yak

Yogurt during the Ripening Process ZHANG Li, CHEN Lianhong, ZHANG Yan, JIANG Qian

云耳百云6号菌丝液体深层培养物发酵酒的研制 李发盛,黄劭兰,黄雪星,欧娜,周兴,何达崇 (233)

Development of Liquid Deep Culture Fermented Wine from Mycelium of Auricularia auricula

Baiyun No.6

LI Fasheng, HUANG Shaolan, HUANG Xuexing, OU Na, ZHOU Xing, HE Dachong


黄酒中醇类物质的研究进展 黄晓媛,钱敏,阮凤喜,赵文红,李湘銮,白卫东 (237)

Research Progress of Alcohols in Huangjiu

HUANG Xiaoyuan, QIAN Min, RUAN Fengxi, ZHAO Wenhong, LI Xiangluan, BAI Weidong

富硒畜禽肉类产品的研究进展 常慧琴,周香芹,朱琪颖,陈志伟 (241)

Research Progress of Selenium-Enriched Livestock and Poultry Meat Products

CHANG Huiqin, ZHOU Xiangqin, ZHU Qiying, CHEN Zhiwei

奶茶的研究进展 刘宁宁,李星宇,付静,李新生 (246)

Development and Research Progress of Milk Tea

LIU Ningning, LI Xingyu, FU Jing, LI Xinsheng

非热技术降解果蔬农药残留研究进展 王思雨,黄金发,李占明,毕洁,王加华,戴煌 (250)

Progress on Non-thermal Technology for Pesticide Residue Degradation in Fruits and Vegetables

WANG Siyu, HUANG Jinfa, LI Zhanming, BI Jie, WANG Jiahua, DAI Huang


杨建荣,孙承锋,高娜,李鑫,尤艳莉,甘晶 (255)

Teaching Innovation and Exploration of the Integration of Food Professional Curriculum Based

on OBE——Take the “Food Analysis” as an Example

YANG Jianrong, SUN Chengfeng, GAO Na, LI Xin, YOU Yanli, GAN Jing

特殊医学用途配方食品的研究进展 揭良,苏米亚 (259)

Progress in Research and Application of Formulations for Special Medical Purposes

JIE Liang, SU Miya

基于PDCA循环的基层食品安全管理机制研究 魏殿林,吴敏,支明玉,李剑峰 (262)

Grassroots Food Safety Management Mechanism Based on PDCA Cycle

WEI Dianlin, WU Min, ZHI Mingyu, LI Jianfeng

抗冻蛋白研究进展及其在新型食品冷冻工艺中的应用 龚弋航 (266)

Research Progress of Antifreeze Protein and Its Application in New Food Freezing Technology

GONG Yihang


高效液相色谱法测定苹果幼果中根皮苷含量 董梅,韩金龙,徐颖,郭莉君,武琴园,罗叶丽 (270)

Determination of Phloridzin in Young Apple Fruit from Different Varirties by HPLC-DAD

DONG Mei, HAN Jinlong, XU Ying, GUO Lijun, WU Qinyuan, LUO Yeli

蒸馏法-气相色谱法联用测定葡萄酒中乙醛和糠醛 王焕琦,李红洲,黄家岭,王正强 (273)

Determination of Acetaldehyde and Furfural in Wine by Distillation Gas Chromatography

WANG Huanqi, LI Hongzhou, HUANG Jialing, WANG Zhengqiang

高效液相色谱法同时测定婴幼儿奶粉中7种水溶性维生素 张丽芳,张鑫,周鑫,张立田 (277)

Simultaneous Determination of Seven Water Soluble Vitamins in Infant Milk Powder by High

Performance Liquid Chromatography

ZHANG Lifang, ZHANG Xin, ZHOU Xin, ZHANG Litian

UHPLC-MS-MS同时测定蔬菜中12种磺酰脲类除草剂 周敏,沈雄雅,倪娟桢,赵月钧,钟寒辉,孙文闪 (281)

Determination of 12 Kinds Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Vegetables by Ultra-high Performance

Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

ZHOU Min, SHEN Xiongya, NI Juanzhen, ZHAO Yuejun, ZHONG Hanhui, SUN Wenshan

发酵乳中37种抗生素快速筛选检测方法的优化 张彤,胡姝,毕孝瑞,李晓东,徐宜宏,王秋艳 (286)

Optimization of Rapid Screening and Detection of 37 Antibiotics in Fermented Milk

ZHANG Tong, HU Shu, BI Xiaorui, LI Xiaodong, XU Yihong, WANG Qiuyan


赵丽萍,杨帅杰,高鑫,丁春瑞 (290)

Determination of BHA, BHT and TBHQ in Edible Vegetable Oil by GPC-GC-MS/MS

ZHAO Liping, YANG Shuaijie, GAO Xin, DING Chunrui

实时荧光PCR检测鸭血制品中掺假成分 李美桃,张春鹏,王波 (293)

Identification of Animal Derived Materials in Duck Blood Products by Real-Time PCR

LI Meitao, ZHANG Chunpeng, WANG Bo

采用ICP-MS法检测蚱蝉老龄若虫微量元素 罗璇,崔梦琪,梅英杰,马成业 (296)

Determination of Microelement in Old Pupae of Cryptotympana by ICP-MS

LUO Xuan, CUI Mengqi, MEI Yingjie, MA Chengye

鱼类鲜度K值的HPLC-UV-MS/MS快速测定方法研究 张飞,周漪波,邓远强,阮奇珺,付强,郑家概 (300)

Rapid Determination of K Value in Fish by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-

Ultraviolet-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

ZHANG Fei, ZHOU Yibo, DENG Yuanqiang, RUAN Qijun, FU Qiang, ZHENG Jiagai


于飞飞,郐鹏,王丽丽,王学亮,阎华国,蔡燕萍 (304)

Determination of Fipronil and Its Metabolites in Apple by QuEChERS Method Coupled with

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

YU Feifei, KUAI Peng, WANG Lili, WANG Xueliang, YAN Huaguo, CAI Yanping


党富民,刘长勇,李会会,杨涛,逯霞,赵志永 (308)

Rapid Determination of Organophosphorous Pesticides Residue in Grape Wine by Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

DANG Fumin, LIU Changyong, LI Huihui, YANG Tao, LU Xia, ZHAO Zhiyong


康俊杰,郑百芹,项爱丽,李爱军,董李学,汤学英 (311)

Screening of 48 Veterinary Drugs in Milk by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-

Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

KANG Junjie, ZHENG Baiqin, XIANG Aili, LI Aijun, DONG Lixue, TANG Xueying

微波消解-ICP-MS法测定白菜和酸菜中的微量元素 魏艳梅,于湛,王莹,魏亦 (315)

Determination of Trace Elements in Chinese Cabbage and Pickled Cabbage by Microwave

Digestion-ICP-MS WEI Yanmei, YU Zhan, WANG Ying, WEI Yi


程超,白小东,王玉,杜小强,刘燕,谭椰子 (318)

Determination of 12 Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Fruits by Using QuEChERS

Combined with GC-MS/MS

CHENG Chao, BAI Xiaodong, WANG Yu, DU Xiaoqiang, LIU Yan, TAN Yezi

高效液相色谱法快速测定大黄鱼中非法染料硫代黄素  郑文静,赵慧男,孙珊珊,薛霞,刘艳明,张艳侠 (323)

The Method of Thioflavin T in Larimichthys crocea by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

ZHENG Wenjing, ZHAO Huinan, SUN Shanshan, XUE Xia, LIU Yanming, ZHANG Yanxia

婴幼儿配方奶粉中高氯酸盐、氯酸盐污染状况调查研究 张斌,马俊美,田丽娜,张湘渠,张兰天 (327)

Investigation on Perchlorate and Chlorate Contamination in Infant Formula

ZHANG Bin, MA Junmei, TIAN Lina, ZHANG Xiangqu, ZHANG Lantian

气相色谱三重四极杆质谱测定食品中丙烯酰胺 王川丕,孙文闪,周敏,刘芯成,钟寒辉,董叶箐 (330)

Gas Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of

Acrylamide in Food

WANG Chuanpi, SUN Wenshan, ZHOU Min, LIU Xincheng, ZHONG Hanhui, DONG Yeqing

ICP-MS法测定决明子中18种重金属及有害元素     郝校鹏,周利,赵玉洋,王游游,康利平,杨健 (334)

Determination of Eighteen Heavy Metals and Hazardous Elements in Cassiae semen by Using

ICP-MS Method

HAO Xiaopeng, ZHOU Li, ZHAO Yuyang, WANG Youyou, KANG Liping, YANG Jian


分营养析安检全测江苏双壳类水产中多元素含量调查及健康评估 乔秋菊,夏昊云,刁春霞,黄为红 (338)

Multi-element Content Survey and Health Evaluation in Bivalve Aquatic Products from Jiangsu

Province QIAO Qiuju, XIA Haoyun, DIAO Chunxia, HUANG Weihong

江苏地区中华绒螯蟹铅残留现状与健康风险评价   谭秀慧,吴蓓琦,殷悦,任娣,王鹭,杨洪生 (343)

Lead Content in Eriocheir sinensis in Aquaculture Pond of Jiangsu and Health Risk Assessment

TAN Xiuhui, WU Beiqi, YIN Yue, REN Di, WANG Lu, YANG Hongsheng

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