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第41 卷 第12 期 ( 月刊)


真空包装对鸡骨素贮藏品质的影响 赵永敢,刁静雯,李超敏,等 (1)

Effect of Vacuum Packaging on Storage Quality of Chicken Ossein

ZHAO Yonggan, DIAO Jingwen, LI Chaomin, et al.

秸秆酶解液脱毒工艺对异养小球藻发酵的影响 杨磊,辛纳慧,李钰媛,等 (4)

Effect of Detoxification Technology of Straw Enzymatic Hydrolysate on the Fermentation

Results of Heterotrophic YANG Lei, XIN Nahui, LI Yuyuan, et al.

不同均质方式对红花籽油O/W乳液乳化效果的影响 齐凤敏,王来忠,张佳佳,等 (8)

Effects of Different Homogenization Methods on O/W Emulsion Emulsification of Safflower

Seed Oil QI Fengmin, WANG Laizhong, ZHANG Jiajia, et al.

超声-微波辅助提取香芋皮水溶性膳食纤维工艺 陈嫣,段振华,刘艳,等 (12)

Optimization of Ultrasonic-Microwave Assisted Extraction of Soluble Dietary Fiber from Taro

(Colocasia esculenta) Peels CHEN Yan, DUAN Zhenhua, LIU Yan, et al.

活菌型乳酸菌饮料稳定性影响因素浅析 朱彤 (16)

Analysis on the Factors Influencing the Stability of Viable Lactobacillus Beverage ZHU Tong

香菇多糖泡腾片制备工艺 王文宝,杨俊涛,杜利月,等 (20)

The Preparation of Lentinan Effervescent Tablets WANG Wenbao, YANG Juntao, DU Liyue, et al.

高粱粉对小麦粉面团pH和体积品质的影响 李忍,姜鹏,王长远,等 (24)

Effect of Sorghum Powder on the pH and Volume Quality of Wheat Flour Dough

LI Ren, JIANG Peng, WANG Changyuan, et al.

苹果酸酯抗性淀粉对曲奇饼干的影响 王菲,孙丹蕊,杨留枝,等 (28)

Effect of Malate Resistant Starch on Cookie Preparation and Properties

WANG Fei, SUN Danrui, YANG Liuzhi, et al.

响应面法优化螺旋藻蛋白部分酶解工艺 陈小杏,刘慧,张少斌,等 (33)

Optimization of Partial Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Spirulina Protein by Response Surface

Methodology CHEN Xiaoxing, LIU Hui, ZHANG Shaobin, et al.

响应面法优化藜麦麸皮中可溶性膳食纤维提取工艺 孙永杰,冯佳乐,张兴华,等 (37)

Optimization of Extracting Soluble Dietary Fiber from Quinoa Bran by Response Surface

Method SUN Yongjie, FENG Jiale, ZHANG Xinghua, et al.

米胚营养挂面工艺 李阳,孙君庚,王充 (40)

The Process of Rice Germ Nutrient Noodles LI Yang, SUN Jungeng, WANG Chong

大豆组织蛋白素食胡萝卜肠制作工艺 张振,李丹丹 (43)

Production Process of Vegetarian Carrot Sausage Based on Textured Soybean Protein

ZHANG Zhen, LI Dandan

谷朊粉对青稞面条品质及面团流变特性的影响 李晶,杜艳,祁兴芳,等 (47)

Effect of Wheat Gluten on the Quality of Highland Barley Noodles and the Rheological

Properties of Dough LI Jing, DU Yan, QI Xingfang, et al.

地耳菜乙醇提取物的生物活性 沙金,陈烽,李超,等 (51)

Biological Activity of Ethanol Extract of Nostoc sphaeroids

SHA Jin, CHEN Feng, LI Chao, et al.

柱层析纯化甜菊糖苷工艺技术 童红梅,王保平,高淑美,等 (55)

Purification of Stevia Glycoside by Column Chromatography

TONG Hongmei, WANG Baoping, GAO Shumei, et al.

基于Plackett-Burman试验和响应面法优化松茸牛肉酱生产工艺 李翔,凌云坤,蒋方国,等 (58)

Optimization of Production Process of Tricholoma matsutake Beef Sauce Based on Plackett-

Burman Design and Response Surface Method LI Xiang, LING Yunkun, JIANG Fangguo, et al.

荞麦杂粮饼干的研制及品质分析 徐微,于成龙,刘玉兵,等 (63)

Development of Biscuits for Buckwheat Grains XU Wei, YU Chenglong, LIU Yubing, et al.

红茶泡腾片制备工艺 严利平,郭丹,练学燕,等 (67)

Preparation Technology of Black Tea Effervescent Tablet

YAN Liping, GUO Dan, LIAN Xueyan, et al.

星点设计-效应面法优选陈皮健脾固体饮品的提取工艺 罗春花,冯露星,唐雨菲,等 (73)

Optimization of Extraction Technology for Chenpi Jianpi Solid Beverage by Central Composite

Design-Response Surface Methodology LUO Chunhua, FENG Luxing, TANG Yufei, et al.

红枣山药固体速溶泡腾片制备及特性 姚洪礼,邢爽,周先汉,等 (77)

Preparation and Storage Characteristics of Solid Instant Effervescent Tablets with Red Jujube

and Chinese Yam YAO Hongli, XING Shuang, ZHOU Xianhan, et al.

木糖醇部分替代食盐腌制对大口黑鲈鱼品质的影响 张芸,章蔚,汪兰,等 (82)

Physicochemical Changes of Prepared Weever (Micropterus salmoides) Using Xylitol Partly

Replacing Salt during Marinated Process ZHANG Yun, ZHANG Wei, WANG Lan, et al.

北冰红葡萄皮饮料杀菌工艺及其储藏稳定性 王兵琦,郎秀杰,郭成宇,等 (87)

Bactericidal Process and Storage Stability of Arctic Red Grape Skin Beverage

WANG Bingqi, LANG Xiujie, GUO Chengyu, et al.

响应面法对山竹壳中果胶提取条件的优化 刘晓雨,李立国,朱亮亮,等 (92)

Optimization of Pectin Extraction Condition from Mangosteen Rind by Response Surface

Method LIU Xiaoyu, LI Liguo, ZHU Liangliang, et al.

桑葚花青素超声波辅助提取工艺优化 卫春会,张兰兰,邓杰,等 (96)

Optimization of Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Process for Anthocyanins of Mulberry

WEI Chunhui, ZHANG Lanlan, DENG Jie, et al.

烧烤风味鱼肉香肠的配方优化 朱婧,王嵬,仪淑敏,等 (100)

Formula Optimization of Barbecue Flavor Fish Sausage

ZHU Jing, WANG Wei, YI Shumin, et al.

酸性离子液体催化对羟基苯甲酸丁酯合成的工艺条件 唐利平 (105)

Synthesis of Butyl p-Hydroxybenzoate Catalyzed by Acidic Ionic Liquid TANG Liping

3种前处理方法对糙米发芽率及抗氧化性的比较 杨闯,王占兵,曹俊博,等 (108)

The Comparative on Germination Rate and Antioxidation of Brown Rice by 3 Pretreatment

Methods YANG Chuang, WANG Zhanbing, CAO Junbo, et al.

木糖醇藤茶酸奶加工工艺及其抗氧化性 李冬梅,郑培煜,黄子豪,等 (113)

Technology and Antioxidant Activity of Xylitol-Ampelopsis grossedentata (Hand.-Mazz.) W. T.

Wang Yoghurt LI Dongmei, ZHENG Peiyu, HUANG Zihao, et al.

复合酶制剂对绿茶面包品质的影响分析 林娟娟,王隆安,林建城,等 (117)

Analysis of the Effect of Compound Enzyme Preparation on the Quality of Green Tea Bread

LIN Juanjuan, WANG Longan, LIN Jiancheng, et al.

西瓜香精α-环糊精微胶囊的制备及其缓释性能 许建营,王二彬,马胜涛 (122)

Preparation of Watermelon Flavor α-Cyclodextrin Microcapsules and Its Sustained Release

Properties XU Jianying, WANG Erbin, MA Shengtao

多穗柯根皮苷微波辅助提取工艺优化及抗氧化活性评价 王代波,李冰晶,赵景芳,等 (125)

Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phlorizin from Lithocarpus polystachyus

Rehd and Evaluating the in Vivo Antioxidant Activity of Phlorizin

WANG Daibo, LI Bingjing, ZHAO Jingfang, et al.

酶法制备鸡血抗氧化肽及其抗氧化活性 宁芯,黎梓玉,班薇薇,等 (129)

Optimization of Preparation Process for Antioxidant Peptides from Chicken Plasma and Its

Antioxidant Activities NING Xin, LI Ziyu, BAN Weiwei, et al.

洋芋鱼鱼子蒸煮特性及其速冻制品的工艺 宋鱼,冯怀章,张忆洁,等 (133)

The Cooking Characteristics of Potato Fish and Its Frozen Products

SONG Yu, FENG Huaizhang, ZHANG Yijie, et al.

马铃薯粉粒度对面包风味及品质的影响 王玺,闫晨苗,李铁梅,等 (137)

Effect of Potato Flour Mesh Size on the Flavor and Quality of Bread

WANG Xi, YAN Chenmiao, LI Tiemei, et al.

U-M-F-IOJ复合强化核桃蛋白质溶解工艺及表面活性 程海涛,申献双 (141)

U-M-F-IOJ Compound Strengthening Walnut Protein Dissolution Process and Surface Activity

CHENG Haitao, SHEN Xianshuang

2种干燥方式对鸡油菌氨基酸和矿物质的影响 郑晓敏,郭宇,田慧鑫,等 (146)

Effect of Two Drying Methods on Amino Acids and Minerals of Chanterelle

ZHENG Xiaomin, GUO Yu, TIAN Huixin, et al.

毛酸浆气调保鲜试验 王艺,张庆钢,高蕊笑,等 (149)

Experimental Study on Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Physalis pubescens

WANG Yi, ZHANG Qinggang, GAO Ruixiao, et al.

黄秋葵多糖的提取纯化及其喷雾干燥粉的开发 王坤立,傅娆,李贝,等 (153)

Extraction and Purification of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) Polysaccharides and

the Research of Okra Polysaccharide Spray Drying Powder WANG Kunli, FU Rao, LI Bei, et al.

哈密大枣中β-D-葡萄糖苷酶活性测定条件的优化 关尚玮,陈恺,范利君,等 (158)

Optimization of Determination Conditions of β-D-Glucosidase Activity in Hami Jujube

GUAN Shangwei, CHEN Kai, FAN Lijun, et al.

双刺参胶囊总皂苷的提取、含量测定及体外活性 邸松,戴鹂莹,钟方丽,等 (163)

Extraction,Content Determination and in Vitro Activity of Total Saponins in Shuangcishen

Capsules DI Song, DAI Liying, ZHONG Fangli, et al.

芒果叶茶的加工工艺 黄娇丽,蒋平香,李玉萍 (167)

The Processing Technology of Mango Leaves Tea

HUANG Jiaoli, JIANG Pingxiang, LI Yuping

蒸制温度、时间对滇黄精皂苷元及5-HMF含量的影响 刘品华,刘明研,董建伟,等 (172)

Effects of Steaming Temperature and Time on the Contents of Saponins and 5-HMF in

Polygonatum kingianum LIU Pinhua, LIU Mingyan, DONG Jianwei, et al.


不同大豆原料对豆腐加工及品质的影响 马春芳,李顺秀,徐冉,等 (177)

Effect of Different Soybean Materials on Tofu Processing and Quality

MA Chunfang, LI Shunxiu, XU Ran, et al.

中国消费者苦味敏感度及与味感喜好关联性 王哲,钟葵,赵镭,等 (181)

Characteristics of PROP Intensity Taste and Relationship with Taste Hedonic within Chinese

Consumer WANG Zhe, ZHONG Kui, ZHAO Lei, et al.

活性膜包装鲜切火龙果品质变化 白旭,周家华,常虹,等 (185)

Quality Change of Fresh-cut Pitaya Packed with Active Film

BAI Xu, ZHOU Jiahua, CHANG Hong, et al.

八角茴香提取液的抑菌效果及稳定性探讨 孙长花,王征远,刘俊,等 (189)

Study on Antibacterial Effect and Stability of Illicium verum Extract

SUN Changhua, WANG Zhengyuan, LIU Jun, et al.

几种食品添加剂对鲜面条储藏稳定性的影响 孙粮,孙君庚,王充,等 (193)

Effects of Several Food Additives on the Storage Stability of Fresh Noodles

SUN Liang, SUN Jungeng, WANG Chong, et al.

新时代构建食品安全监管体系的必要性及策略探究 冯艳娟 (196)

The Necessity and Strategy of Building Food Safety Supervision System in New Era

FENG Yanjuan

油炸肉制品中苯并芘生成条件及其调控 毕可海,张玉莹,孙玉奉,等 (201)

The Formation Conditions and Regulation of Benzopyrene in Fried Meat Products

BI Kehai, ZHANG Yuying, SUN Yufeng, et al.

广东丝瓜醇提物抗氧化和抑制亚硝化活性 魏爱红,田程,庄远杯,等 (206)

Antioxidant and Inhibitory Effect on Nitrosation of Alcohol Extract from Luffa acutangula (L.)

Roxb. WEI Aihong, TIAN Cheng, ZHUANG Yuanbei , et al.

蒜酶HPLC定性检测方法的建立及应用 李心雨,罗春霞,敬爽,等 (210)

Establishment and Application of Qualitative Detection Method for Alliinase by HPLC

LI Xinyu, LUO Chunxia, LING Shuang, et al.

不同干燥方式对松露多糖含量及其抗氧化活性的影响 张存艳,魏蔼玲,岳茂林,等 (214)

Effects of Different Drying Methods on Polysaccharide Content and Its Antioxidant Activity

from Truffle ZHANG Cunyan, WEI Ailing, YUE Maolin, et al.

不同干燥方式对红枣营养品质及抗氧化活性的影响 王庆卫,刘启玲,崔胜文 (218)

The Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Nutritional Quality and Antioxidant Activity of

Jujube WANG Qingwei, LIU Qiling, CUI Shengwen

高静压处理对油桃杀菌效果与品质的影响 周春丽,赵娜,苏伟,等 (223)

Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment on Sterilizing and Quality of Nectarine

ZHOU Chunli, ZHAO Na, SU Wei, et al.

茶皂素的提取及其热稳定性分析 谭登峰,庞锦英,胡华林,等 (228)

Extraction of Tea Saponin and Its Thermal Stability Analysis

TAN Dengfeng, PANG Jinying, HU Hualin, et al.

影响茶树油质量变化的因素 李桂珍,陈海燕,梁忠云,等 (233)

The Influence of Tea Tree Oil Quality LI Guizhen, CHEN Haiyan, LIANG Zhongyun, et al.

红树莓发酵果酒及其抗氧化活性 宫祥博,延海莹,田迎樱,等 (236)

The Preparation of Red Raspberry Wine and Its Antioxidant Activity

GONG Xiangbo, YAN Haiying, TIAN Yingying, et al.

凝胶过滤色谱分离纯化鱼蛋白酶解产物 胡二坤,郭兴凤,郑慧 (240)

Separation and Purification of Fish Protein Hydrolysate by Gel Chromatography

HU Erkun, GUO Xingfeng, ZHENG Hui


热泵与膜蒸馏集成型果汁低温浓缩装置 秦彦沛,谢继红,雷文芳,等 (244)

Integrated Device of Heat Pump and Membrane Distillation for Concentrating Fruit Juice under

Low Temperature QIN Yanpei, XIE Jihong, LEI Wenfang, et al.

基于LabVIEW的小型冷库监控系统 马志艳,杨磊,石敏,等 (248)

Small Cold Storage Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW

MA Zhiyan, YANG Lei, SHI Min, et al.


水产品加工贮藏中ATP及其关联产物的变化概述 谷文静,金银哲,金英善,等 (252)

Overview on Changes of ATP and Related Products in Aquatic Products during Processing and

Storage GU Wenjing, JIN Yinzhe, JIN Yingshan, et al.

蜂王浆中农药残留检测技术的研究进展 方建军,张旭,黄华,等 (258)

Research Progress of Pesticide Residue Detection Technology in Royal Jelly

FANG Jianjun, ZHANG Xu, HUANG Hua, et al.

基于OBE模式的食品化学课程目标达成度评价方法 徐永霞,赵洪雷,李学鹏,等 (261)

The Evaluation Method for the Achievement Degree of Food Chemistry Curriculum Objectives

Based on OBE Model XU Yongxia, ZHAO Honglei, LI Xuepeng, et al.

复合酶解蛋白质工艺在食品工业中的应用及研究进展 许新月,李昶,崔文玉,等 (264)

Application and Research Progress of Complex Enzymolysis Technology in Food Industry

XU Xinyue, LI Chang, CUI Wenyu, et al.

玫瑰茄籽油研究进展 黄丽华,李杰,林泽斌,等 (268)

Research Progress on Roselle Seed Oil HUANG Lihua, LI Jie, LIN Zebin, et al.

基于江苏食品产业集群的高职食品专业集群建设实践 张伟,殷玲,姚悦 (272)

Construction Practice of Food Specialty Cluster in Higher Vocational Based on Cluster

Development of Jiangsu Food Industry ZHANG Wei, YIN Ling, YAO Yue

基于OBE理念的食品科学与工程专业实验教学体系 侯银臣,杨盛茹,高雪琴,等 (276)

The Experimental Teaching Reform of Food Science and Engineering Specialty Based on Outcome

Based Education Educational Idea HOU Yinchen, YANG Shengru, GAO Xueqin, et al.

油脂凝胶在食品中的应用研究进展 屈岩峰,李星,鲁梓浡,等 (280)

Research Progress on Application of Oilgel in Foods QU Yanfeng, LI Xing, LU Zibo, et al.

八月瓜特征成分研究、果实加工及综合利用 曾荣妹,蔡倪,张东亚 (284)

Research on Characteristic Components of Akebia, Fruit Processing and Comprehensive

Utilization ZENG Rongmei, CAI Ni, ZHANG Dongya


微波消解-微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测定茶叶中铅 朱小亮,吴到懋,樊冬玲,等 (288)

Determination of Lead in Tea by Microwave Digestion-differential Pulse Anodic Stripping

Voltammetry ZHU Xiaoliang, WU Daomao, FAN Dongling, et al.

ICP-MS法检测干货类调味料中10种有害元素残留 崔晓娜,郭礼强,彭晓蓓 (292)

Determination of 10 Harmful Elements Residues in Dry Condiments by Inductively Coupled

Plasma Mass Spectrometry CUI Xiaona, GUO Liqiang, PENG Xiaobei

ICP/MS法检测直饮水中的7种金属污染物残留 朱玲玲,肖昭竞,李根容,等 (295)

Determination of Seven Metal Pollutants in Drinking Water by ICP/MS

ZHU Lingling, XIAO Zhaojing, LI Genrong, et al.

气质联用法快速测定肉制品中N-二甲基亚硝胺 侯靖,卢跃鹏,陈丹,等 (298)

Rapid Determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine in Meat Products by Gas Chromatography-

Mass Spectrometry HOU Jing, LU Yuepeng, CHEN Dan, et al.

气相色谱-质谱联用法测定食品中9种胆固醇氧化物 杨俊,吴轩民,侯璐,等 (301)

Determination of Nine Cholesterol Oxidation Products in Food by Gas Chromatography-Mass

Spectrometry YANG Jun, WU Xuanmin, HOU Lu, et al.

PRiME净化-UHPLC-MS/MS法测定鸡蛋中金刚烷胺类药物残留李占彬,王正强,黄永桥,等 (305)

UHPLC-MS-MS Determination of Amantadine, Rimantadine and Memantine Residues in Eggs

Based on PriME Solid Phase Extraction and Purification

LI Zhanbin, WANG Zhengqiang, HUANG Yongqiao, et al.

广西不同产地艾挥发性成分的分析 庾韦花,石前,张向军,等 (310)

Analysis on the Chemical Compositions of Volatile Oil from Artemisia argyi of Different Areas

in Guangxi YU Weihua, SHI Qian, ZHANG Xiangjun, et al.

母乳中脂溶性维生素的HPLC法建立及前处理方法 刘慧敏,聂琴,黄召,等 (313)

Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamin in Human Breast Milk by HPLC and Research on

Pretreatment Method LIU Huimin, NIE Qin, HUANG Zhao, et al.

电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定沙棘果中26种无机元素 杨玲春,王英,朱红玉,等 (317)

Determination of 26 Inorganic Elements in Hippophae rhamnoides Fruit by ICP-MS

YANG Lingchun, WANG Ying, ZHU Hongyu, et al.

在线固相萃取-液相法测定新疆南瓜中生育酚 林毅侃,印杰,林琳,等 (321)

Determination of Tocopherol in Xinjiang Pumpkin by Solid Phase Extraction-High Performance

Liquid Chromatography LIN Yikan, YIN Jie, LIN Lin, et al.


蒸制对蔬菜类食材品质的影响 陈喆,王凤丽,刘冬梅,等 (325)

Effect of Steaming on Quality of Vegetables CHEN Zhe, WANG Fengli, LIU Dongmei, et al.

不同品种苹果籽油脂脂肪酸组成 王富刚,莫耀兴 (329)

Fatty Acid Composition of Apple Seed Oil from Different Varieties

WANG Fugang, MO Yaoxing

葡萄酒中生物胺含量分析和控制措施 刘睿,王琳,毕会芳,等 (331)

Analysis and Control of Biogenic Amines in Wine LIU Rui, WANG Lin, BI Huifang, et al.

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