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第42 卷 第1 期 ( 月刊)


不同预冷方式对红毛丹贮藏品质的影响 邓浩,尹青春,林玉钦,冯建成,张容鹄 (1)

Effect of Different Precooling Methods on Quality of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

during Storage DENG Hao, YIN Qingchun, LIN Yuqin, FENG Jiancheng, ZHANG Ronghu

一种玫瑰花酱的研制 梁颖琪,王凤君,王玉婷,何金明,王斌 (5)

Development of a Kind of Rose Flower Sauce

LIANG Yingqi, WANG Fengjun, WANG Yuting, HE Jinming, WANG Bin

干制鲟鱼龙筋在不同复水温度下品质特性 姜鹏飞,郭敏强,陈瑶,于文静,裴龙英,沈鹏博 (10)

Quality Characteristics of Dried Sturgeon Bone Marrow under Different Rehydration


JIANG Pengfei, GUO Minqiang, CHEN Yao, YU Wenjing, PEI Longying, SHEN Pengbo

蛋黄果营养成分测定及其多糖提取工艺 蒋边,李卫锦,李东娜,谢艳梅,霍平慧 (15)

Analysis Nutrient Components of Lucuma nervosa and Extraction Process of Its Polysaccharide

JIANG Bian, LI Weijin, LI Dongna, XIE Yanmei, HUO Pinghui

皂土对樱桃发酵酒品质的影响 杨雪,李明月,张雪楠,赵新节 (20)

Effect of Bentonite on the Quality of Cherry Fermented Wine

YANG Xue, LI Mingyue, ZHANG Xuenan, ZHAO Xinjie

油橄榄果渣对面粉及面团理化特性的影响 黄俊僮,张华玲,洛桑卓玛,迟原龙,姚开,贾冬英 (24)

Effects of Olive Pomace on the Physicochemical Properties of Wheat Flour and Dough

HUANG Juntong, ZHANG Hualing, Luosang Zhuoma, CHI Yuanlong, YAO Kai, JIA Dongying

发酵型富硒茶酒的研制 金琦芳,黎巷汝,李佳洁,韦雅婷,王仲,孙威江 (28)

Research of Fermented Selenium-Enriched Tea Wine

JIN Qifang, LI Xiangru, LI Jiajie, WEI Yating, WANG Zhong, SUN Weijiang

挤压薏米粉饼干研制及品质分析 刘宗浩,于重伟,张高鹏,程建军 (32)

Development and Quality of Mixed Extruded Coix Biscuit

LIU Zonghao, YU Chongwei, ZHANG Gaopeng, CHENG Jianjun

速溶燕麦粉的制备工艺 李淑娟,曾萍,沈起兵,刘同方,陈军丽,于燕波 (37)

Preparation Technology of Instant Oat Powder

LI Shujuan, ZENG Ping, SHEN Qibing, LIU Tongfang, CHEN Junli, YU Yanbo

耐冻藏酵母冷冻生包子生产工艺 路雪纯,辛嘉英,张根生 (41)

The Production Technology of Frozen Raw Steamed Bun with Freeze Resistant Storage Yeast

LU Xuechun, XIN Jiaying, ZHANG Gensheng

凝固型双蛋白酸奶的发酵配方优化 孔凡平,郎秀杰,郭成宇 (47)

Optimization of Fermentation Formula of Coagulated Double Protein Yoghurt

KONG Fanping, LANG Xiujie, GUO Chengyu

巴氏杀菌对NFC苹果汁杀菌效果及品质的影响 李根,初乐,赵岩,和法涛,朱风涛,马寅斐 (52)

The Effects of Different Sterilization Conditions on Efficiency and Quality in NFC Apple Juice

LI Gen, CHU Le, ZHAO Yan, HE Fatao, ZHU Fengtao, MA Yinfei

真空和面对不同加水量面团蛋白特性的影响 张毅,陈洁,汪磊,张蕴华 (56)

Effect of Vacuum Mixing on Protein Property of Dough with Different Water Addition


芹菜膳食纤维片的研制 周博,赵雯,李廷渲 (60)

Research of Celery Dietary Fibre Tablets ZHOU Bo, ZHAO Wen, LI Tingxuan

响应面优化乳酸菌发酵马铃薯饮料工艺 胡盼盼 (65)

Optimization of Lactic Acid Fermentation Potato Beverage by Response Surface Methodology

HU Panpan

稀有人参皂苷Rg5的高效制备方法 张仔豪,叶安琪,成乐琴 (69)

Efficient Method for the Preparation of Rare Ginsenoside Rg5

ZHANG Zihao, YE Anqi, CHENG Leqin

分蘖洋葱黄酮微胶囊的制备及其品质 何畅,李达,高岩松,刘佳彤,苏颖,王景会 (74)

The Preparation and Quality of Flavonoids Microcapsules from Tillering Onion

HE Chang, LI Da, GAO Yansong, LIU Jiatong, SU Ying, WANG Jinghui

牛蒡茶加工工艺优化及其总黄酮体外抗氧化活性 董玉玮,庄聪林,盛雪云,潘铖,苗敬芝,李伟 (80)

Optimization of Processing Technology of Burdock Tea and Antioxidant Activity of Total

Flavonoids in Vitro

DONG Yuwei, ZHUANG Conglin, SHENG Xueyun, PAN Cheng, MIAO Jingzhi, LI Wei

响应面法优化浑浊IPA酿造工艺 张薇,翟乃明,邓鸿钰,谭兆顺,董小雷 (85)

Optimization of Brewing Process of Hazy IPA by Response Surface Methodology

ZHANG Wei, ZHAI Naiming, DENG Hongyu, TAN Zhaoshun, DONG Xiaolei

蓝莓绿茶雪莲颗粒的制备及其稳定性 王鹤,刘磊,任立焕,侯金才 (88)

Processing Technology and Stability of Blueberry-Green Tea-Saussurea Granules

WANG He, LIU Lei, REN Lihuan, HOU Jincai

化妆品级山茶油脱色工艺优化 杨选,张夏翊,刘觉天,王晔洋,黄莎,李伟荣 (92)

Optimization of Decoloration Process on Cosmetic Grade Camellia Oil

YANG Xuan, ZHANG Xiayi, LIU Juetian, WANG Yeyang, HUANG Sha, LI Weirong

茶树叶片中茶皂素提取工艺优化 姚玉仙,张明泽,刘丽萍,杨小礼 (95)

Optimal Design of Extraction Process for Tea Saponin from Tea Leaves (Camellia sinensis L.)

YAO Yuxian, ZHANG Mingze, LIU Liping, YANG Xiaoli

余甘果仔姜特色泡菜的工艺优化及营养 范尧珠,邓红,贾洪锋,张欢,杨莉,涂梦婕 (99)

Processing Technology and Nutrition of Phyllanthus emblica and Ginger Characteristic Pickles

FAN Yaozhu, DENG Hong, JIA Hongfeng, ZHANG Huan, YANG Li, TU Mengjie

复合黄精饮料的配方及工艺优化 孙修成,王哲靖,毛丹丹,李霄 (103)

Formulation and Process Optimization of Compound Polygonati Rhizoma Beverage

SUN Xiucheng, WANG Zhejing, MAO Dandan, LI Xiao

基于ε-聚赖氨酸抗菌食品包装纸的制作 张海婷,孙明曦,张振楠,魏盟,谷萤萤,李帅 (109)

Based on ε-Polylysine Production Research of Antibacterial Food Wrappers

ZHANG Haiting, SUN Mingxi, ZHANG Zhennan, WEI Meng, GU Yingying, LI Shuai

不同条件对蜂蜜发酵过程中高级醇生成的影响 董彩文,王浩瑾,骆怡萍,蒋雅楠,杨晓磊,胡晓龙 (112)

Effects of Different Conditions on the Formation of Higher Alcohol in Honey Fermentation by


DONG Caiwen, WANG Haojin, LUO Yiping, JIANG Yanan, YANG Xiaolei, HU Xiaolong

响应面优化花生芽中白藜芦醇提取工艺 武鹏程,蒲云峰,张斌,张金荣,王丽玲,王强 (116)

Optimization of Extraction Technology for Resveratrol from Peanut Bud by Response Surface


WU Pengcheng, PU Yunfeng, ZHANG Bin, ZHANG Jinrong, WANG Liling, WANG Qiang

响应面法优化紫薯魔芋硬糖配方 王丽霞,陆东和,周凤超 (120)

Optimization of the Formula of Purple Potato Konjac Candy by Response Surface Methodology

WANG Lixia, LU Donghe, ZHOU Fengchao

果胶酶澄清香梨汁的工艺优化 陈振昊,白羽嘉,韩海霞,马德秀,萨吾提·尼斯普,冯作山 (125)

Optimization the Technology of Fragrant Pear Juice Clarification by the Pectinase

CHEN Zhenhao, BAI Yujia, HAN Haixia, MA Dexiu, Sawuti·Nisipu, FENG Zuoshan

马铃薯片间歇微波真空干燥工艺优化 温家豪,董继先,王栋,袁越锦,刘瑞,王怡 (130)

Optimization of Intermittent Microwave-Vacuum Drying of Potato Slices

WEN Jiahao, DONG Jixian, WANG Dong, YUAN Yuejin, LIU Rui, WANG Yi

双酶酶解制备黑小麦麸皮抗氧化肽 赵妍,路清宇 (135)

Preparation of Antioxidant Peptides from Black Wheat Bran by Double Enzymatic Hydrolysis

ZHAO Yan, LU Qingyu

铁皮石斛花色苷提取及其抗氧化活性分析 杨晓娜,陈自宏,谢雯颖,吴春燕,张星和 (141)

Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Oxidation Resistance of Anthocyanins from Dendrobium

officinale YANG Xiaona, CHEN Zihong, XIE Wenying, WU Chunyan, ZHANG Xinghe

蒲公英与葵花籽仁提取绿原酸的协同抗氧化作用 王文华,郭丽,刘爽 (146)

Synergistic Antioxidation of Chlorogenic Acid Extracted from Dandelion and Sunflower Seeds

WANG Wenhua, GUO Li, LIU Shuang

热风干燥加工对南极磷虾肉脂质品质的影响 高翠竹,詹宏磊,刘冰南,王际辉,刘玉佳 (151)

Effect of Hot Air Drying on Lipid Quality in Antarctic Krill Meat

GAO Cuizhu, ZHAN Honglei, LIU Bingnan, WANG Jihui, LIU Yujia

低温喷雾干燥技术制备核桃粕蛋白粉的工艺条件优化 李明娟,张雅媛,游向荣,周葵,王颖,韦林艳 (156)

Optimization of Processing Conditions for Low Temperature Spray-Drying of Walnut Dregs

Protein Powder

LI Mingjuan, ZHANG Yayuan, YOU Xiangrong, ZHOU Kui, WANG Ying, WEI Linyan

柿子粮谷固态发酵蒸馏酒配方 陈江魁,昝立峰,付伟,石国亮,颜子豪 (162)

Raw Materials Ratio of Persimmon and Grain Distilled Liquor by Solid-State Fermentation

CHEN Jiangkui, ZAN Lifeng, FU Wei, SHI Guoliang, YAN Zihao

低糖紫薯杂粮复合粉的研制 洪佳敏,张帅,李德珍,林宝妹,张少平,邱珊莲 (166)

Development of Low-sugar Compound Grain Powder with Purple Sweet Potato

HONG Jiamin, ZHANG Shuai, LI Dezhen, LIN Baomei, ZHANG Shaoping, QIU Shanlian

攀枝花土蜂蜜酒发酵条件的优化 李敏杰,熊亚 (170)

Optimization of Conditions for Mead Fermentation of Panzhihua LI Minjie, XIONG Ya

田口法优化石榴皮中3种活性成分的提取工艺 李佳璇,赵姗姗,盛尊来 (174)

Optimization of Three Bioactive Components Extracted from Pomegranate (Punica granatum

L.) Peels by Taguchi LI Jiaxuan, ZHAO Shanshan, SHENG Zunlai


臭氧氧化处理对非糯性玉米淀粉颗粒结构特性的影响 邢禹哲,余世锋 (179)

Effects of Ozone Treatment on Structural Characteristics of Non-Waxy Corn Starch Granule

XING Yuzhe, YU Shifeng

紫外照射结合乳酸处理对冷冻藏猪肉品质的影响 池福敏,牛飞宇,辜雪冬,杨林,罗章 (183)

The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation with Lactic Acid Treatment on the Quality of Frozen

Tibetant Pork CHI Fumin, NIU Feiyu, GU Xuedong, YANG Lin, LUO Zhang

不同来源明胶对面团质构特性的影响 姜艳敏,丁长河,庸菁喆 (186)

Effect of Gelatin from Different Sources on Dough Texture Properties

JIANG Yanmin, DING Changhe, YONG Jingzhe

酶制剂生产技术课程基于国家教学资源库的教改探究 兰欣 (191)

Research on the Teaching Reform in the Course of Enzyme Production Technology Based on

the National Teaching Resource Database LAN Xin

湄潭县超微绿茶粉品质分析 刘阳,李维,卯丹,何国菊,谢文钢,刘燕 (195)

Quality Analysis of Ultra Green Tea Powders in Meitan Township

LIU Yang, LI Wei, MAO Dan, HE Guoju, XIE Wengang, LIU YAN

不同塑化剂对柠檬酸淀粉酯成膜性能的影响 玉琼广,刘万东,陈江枫,胡华宇,张燕娟,黄祖强 (198)

Effect of Different Plasticizers on Film Forming Properties of Starch Citrate

YU Qiongguang, LIU Wandong, CHEN Jiangfeng, HU Huayu, ZHANG Yanjuan, HUANG Zuqiang

不同品种草莓的特征香气成分 付磊,冒德寿,洪鎏,徐志强 (202)

Characteristic Aroma Compounds of Different Varieties of Strawberry

FU Lei, MAO Deshou, HONG Liu, XU Zhiqiang

大型罗勒和柚子精油的成分分析及其抗氧化性 郝文凤,田玉红,董菲,周旭凯 (206)

Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oil from Ocimum basilicum

L. var. majus Benth. and Citrus maxima

HAO Wenfeng, TIAN Yuhong, DONG Fei, ZHOU Xukai

低压静电场对灵武长枣低温贮藏品质及呼吸强度的影响 张浩宇,刘慧燕,杨亚丽,李金娜,方海田,张光弟 (211)

Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field on Low Temperature Storage Quality and Respiratory

Intensity of Zizphus jujuba Mill cv. Lingwu Changzao

ZHANG Haoyu, LIU Huiyan, YANG Yali, LI Jinna, FANG Haitian, ZHANG Guangdi

黄棒菜超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD) 分离纯化的技术 徐璐,赵秩颢,郑彩霞 (216)

The Separation and Purification Techniques of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) from Rheum

palmatum L. var. XU Lu, ZHAO Zhihao, ZHENG Caixia

葡萄籽原花色素对马铃薯馒头感官品质的影响 张子睿,田金虎,张惠玲,叶兴乾,陈士国 (221)

Effect of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins on the Sensory Quality of Potato Steamed Bread

ZHANG Zirui, TIAN Jinhu, ZHANG Huiling, YE Xingqian, CHEN Shiguo

不同产地蛹虫草鲜干品核苷类含量测定 刘生,徐伟琴,邓少欢,惠爱玲,张文成 (226)

Determination of Nucleosides in Fresh and Dried Cordyceps militaris from Different Producing

Areas LIU Sheng, XU Weiqin, DENG Shaohuan, HUI Ailing, ZHANG Wencheng

超声速气流粉碎制备超细白桦茸 左金,刘刚,杜宁,林俊,郭秋亭,范长海 (229)

Preparation of Ultra-fine Inonotus obliquus by Supersonic Speed Airflow Grinding

ZUO Jin, LIU Gang, DU Ning, LIN Jun, GUO Qiuting, FAN Changhai

猕猴桃籽油微胶囊在Caco-2单细胞层的吸收特性 徐姗姗,马永庆,王憬,谷瑞增,刘文颖 (232)

Absorption Ability of Kiwi Seed oil Microcapsules in Caco-2 Cell Monolayer

XU Shanshan, MA Yongqing, WANG Jing, GU Ruizeng, LIU Wenying

丝瓜花不同溶剂提取物抗氧化活性及其酚类成分分析 鄢贵龙,刘杨,李学鹏,张洁 (236)

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Various Solvent Extract from Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem

and Its Phenolic Components Analysis YAN Guilong, LIU Yang, LI Xuepeng, ZHANG Jie


多颗粒态油辣椒物料特性与灌装方式 张玉华,郭鹤 (241)

The Control System of Automatic Filling Machine for Multi-particle Oil Pepper Material


食品烘干设备温度控制系统设计 潘霞 (244)

Design of Temperature Control System for Food Drying Equipment PAN Xia


LEDs技术在果蔬杀菌保鲜领域应用研究进展 范刘敏,张嵘,董闪闪,相启森 (247)

Research Advance on the Application of Light-emitting Diodes Technology in Sterilization and

Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

FAN Liumin, ZHANG Rong, DONG Shanshan, XIANG Qisen

食品企业诚信管理体系建设的实践 周楠楠 (252)

Practical Research on the Construction of Food Enterprise Credit Management System

ZHOU Nannan

食品安全国家标准中维生素的测定方法及进展 尹维微,孟繁桐 (256)

Methods and Progress of Vitamin Determination in National Food Safety Standards

YIN Weiwei, MENG Fantong


与工程学院为例 周围,杨钧翔,耿丽晶,韩金承,张艳丽 (260)

An Investigation and Research on the Characteristics of the Postgraduate Entrance Examination

for Food Science Undergraduates—Taking the School of Food Science and Engineering of

Jinzhou Medical University as an Example

ZHOU Wei, YANG Junxiang, GENG Lijing, HAN Jincheng, ZHANG Yanli

早餐食品安全的社会性规制问题——基于网络曝光的33个事件分析 贾晓萌,华欣,李雪 (263)

Social Regulation of Breakfast Food Safety—Analysis of 33 Network Exposure Events

JIA Xiaomeng, HUA Xin, LI Xue

果蔬加工学课程立体教学模式的构建与实践 朱俊向,吴昊,陈海华 (268)

Construction and Practice of Stereoscopic Teaching Model Based on Course of Fruit and

Vegetable Processing ZHU Junxiang, WU Hao, CHEN Haihua

山楂中酚类成分活性的多样性及活性测定方法研究进展 路芳,章海风 (271)

Research Progress on Diversity of Phenolic Components in Hawthorn

LU Fang, ZHANG Haifeng

低温储粮关键技术研究现状及发展前景 张兵,刘博,周涛,甘平洋,陈渠玲,李娜 (276)

Research and Orientation of Key Technologies for Low Temperature Grain Storage

ZHANG Bing, LIU Bo, ZHOU Tao, GAN Pingyang, CHEN Quling, LI Na

纳米硒制备方法研究进展 苏文,杨辉,董腾达,黄莎莎 (280)

Progress on the Preparation Methods of Nano-selenium SU Wen, YANG Hui, DONG Tengda, HUANG Shasha

食品营养与安全课程多元化教学改革与实践 陶海腾,曲静然,王存芳,张崇真,崔波 (284)

Reform and Practice Exploration on Diversified Teaching Mode of Food Nutrition and Safety

TAO Haiteng, QU Jingran, WANG Cunfang, ZHANG Chongzhen, CUI Bo


LC-MS/MS测定果汁饮料中乳酸链球菌素 陈召桂,杨晋青,朱玲琳 (288)

Determination of Nisin in Fruit Juice Drinks by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass

Spectrometry CHEN Zhaogui, YANG Jinqing, ZHU Linglin

不同种类固相萃取柱对特医食品中香料含量结果的影响 吴纤愫,郑平安,周勇,陈才军 (291)

Effect of Different Kinds of SPE Columns on the Results of Flavor Content in Special Medical

Foods WU Qiansu, ZHENG Ping’an, ZHOU Yong, CHEN Caijun

HPLC同步测定秃疮花中紫堇丁碱同分异构体的含量 倪居,田野,张效斌,高金鑫,张卫,周乐 (297)

Simultaneous Determination of Corydine Isomers in Dicranostigma lptopodum (Maxim.) Fedde

by HPLC NI Ju, TIAN Ye, ZHANG Xiaobin, GAO Jinxin, ZHANG Wei, ZHOU Le

HPLC-RID同时测定艾纳香油中5种活性成分的含量 陈前袆,曹春月,陈伟,王鲁,何珺 (300)

Simultaneous Determination of 5 Components in Blumea balsamifera Oil by HPLC-RID

CHEN Qianhui, CAO Chunyue, CHEN Wei, WANG Lu, HE Jun

SPME-GC-MS分析荸荠皮及其乙醚提取物的挥发性成分 谷毅鹏,杨小梅 (304)

Analysis of Volatile Components of Eleochairis tuberosa Peel and Its Ether Extract by SPMEGC-

MS GU Yipeng, YANG Xiaomei

基于SPME-GC-MS分析和比较荞麦籽粒不同部位挥发性成分 刘东旭,田忠华,赵悦琳,刘畅,于雷 (310)

Analysis and Comparison of the Volatile Components in Common Buckwheat Different Parts

with SPME-GC-MS LIU Dongxu, TIAN Zhonghua, ZHAO Yuelin, LIU Chang, YU Lei

基于两种化学振荡体系检测奶粉中钙含量 马永杰,卞雨淼,包洪亮,王瑞杰,李满满,胡雪静 (316)

Determination of Calcium Content in Milk Powder Based on Two Chemical Oscillation Systems

Method MA Yongjie, BIAN Yumiao, BAO Hongliang, WANG Ruijie, LI Manman, HU Xuejing

ICP-MS法测定可降解塑料制品中11种元素 禄春强,万峰,王国雨,罗婵 (320)

Determination of the 11 Mental Ions in Degradable Plastic Products by ICP-MS

LU Chunqiang, WAN Feng, WANG Guoyu, LUO Chan

气相色谱质谱法检测鸡蛋中氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺 乔青青,郝莉花,巩凡,刘燕,赵芳 (324)

Determination of FF and FFa Residue in Eggs by Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass

Spectrometry QIAO Qingqing, HAO Lihua, GONG Fan, LIU Yan, ZHAO Fang

酱香型白酒中氨基甲酸乙酯的快速检测及风险评估 彭小东,李红洲,谈晓君,肖超,张建 (327)

Rapid Detection and Risk Assessment of Ethyl Carbamate in Jiang-Flavour Chinese Spirits

PENG Xiaodong, LI Hongzhou, TAN Xiaojun, XIAO Chao, ZHANG Jian

UPLC-MS/MS法测定葡萄干中6种人工合成甜味剂 王远,邢丽杰,李先义,罗瑞峰,刘玉晗 (331)

Determination of 6 Artificial Sweeteners in Raisin Using UPLC-MS/MS

WANG Yuan, XING Lijie, LI Xianyi, LUO Ruifeng, LIU Yuhan

HPLC法测定食用动物油脂中丙二醛残留量 邹沫君,陈诚 (335)

Determination of Malonaldehyde in Edible Animal Oils by HPLC ZOU Mojun, CHEN Cheng


压榨法制备苹果籽油及其毒理学 刘少阳,丁秀玲 (339)

The Preparation of Apple Seed Oil by Pressing and Its Toxicology

LIU Shaoyang, DING Xiuling

3个不同产地的松露氨基酸组成及营养价值评价 李美凤,刘娟汝,陈艳,郭力 (342)

Amino Acid Composition and Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Truffles from 3 Different

Growing Regions LI Meifeng, LIU Juanru, CHEN Yan, GUO Li

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